Page 4 - RDX-series
P. 4


          Operation and failure LED indication  Environmentally and ozone-friendly refrigerants
          Dew point indicator with a colour scale  R134a and R404a
          Hot-gas bypass regulation for an adjustment of   Efficient thermally insulated heat exchanger
          refrigeration capacity               Modern and reliable refrigerant compressors
          Reliable drain valve and electronic timer to
          control periodic operation

          Functional block diagram refrigerated dryers RDX

        The refrigerant compressor (1) condenses the gaseous   is equipped with hot-gas bypass regulation for providing
        refrigerant in the condenser (3), where most of the refrigerant   refrigeration that is adjusted to the variable compressed air
        passes  into  the  liquid  phase.  The  liquefied  refrigerant   flow.
        is directed through the filter-dryers (6), injected via the   When demand for compressed air falls, the hot-gas bypass
        capillary pipe (4) and evaporated in the evaporator (2), where   valve opens and allows the hot air to flow from the high-
        it absorbs the heat of the compressed air.  pressure side to the low-pressure side. The pressure in the
        Due to the heat exchange between the compressed air and   evaporator is held constant and ensures the pressure dew
        the refrigerant, the refrigerant passes into the gaseous   point never falls below +3° C in order to prevent icing of the
        state. This cycle is continuously repeated. The cooling circuit   evaporator.

        Refrigerated dryers RDX-04 to RDX-77  Refrigerated dryers RDX-100 to RDX-360
        Functional block diagram            Functional block diagram

         3                             2                                     2

                    1    6                                  5
                                4                          1

        Main component
        1. Refrigerant compressor  3. Condenser  5. Hot-gas bypass valve  7. Time-controlled drain valve
        2. Evaporator      4. Capillary pipe  6. Filter-dryer  8. Liquid separator

      4                                                                  COMPRESSED AIR PREPARATION REFRIGERATED DRYER RDX-series
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8